Posts from “Sep 2014”

This billboard design at University Brunei Darussalam reminded me of the movie and comic Persepolis

I saw this billboard on the campus of University Brunei Darussalam and had to do a double-take. I initially thought it was an advertisement for showing the movie Persepolis but instead it was a timely reminder to continue seeking knowledge.

I have neither seen the movie Persepolis nor read the comic on which the movie was based yet it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this design. That really says a lot about the extensive reach of the movie’s art style.

So I was doing routine maintenance on the Caveena Website today when a conflict between two WordPress plugins mucked up our Portfolio page. Being a service-based organization, yeah that’s a pretty big deal.

And this is why I always test website updates on a development server.

So what happened? The issue was between BestWebSoft’s Portfolio Plugin (which, as you probably guessed, we are using for our Portfolio page) and Jetpack. The v3.1 release of Jetpack comes with a new custom post type: Portfolios. I didn’t dig into any of the code but my guess is they used the same name for the Portfolio custom post type. When both were active the permalink would not work and none of our portfolio project pages would display.

The fix was simple enough:

  1. Disable the Custom Post Type module in Jetpack’s settings.
  2. Re-build the permalink structure.

If you happen to be using the Portfolio plugin along with the Custom Post Type module in Jetpack, I unfortunately have no answer for you.