Posts tagged “labour control system”
Every year the Brunei Darussalam Department of Labour releases a census that all local businesses must fill in. It’s a legal requirement and every year they don’t mind reminding you of the fines for neglecting to do so.
Well this year they’re trying something new: they’re doing it online via their newly released Labour Control System. I applaud the Department of Labour for taking real action in converting actual processes into an online workflow.
Like with any new system, there are bound to be bugs. And I found a rather embarrassing oversight. When asked for my country of origin, I could not select Brunei.
Erm, yeah. And I had to fill in a value or it wouldn’t allow me to proceed.
This wasn’t the only issue I cam across. Initially the system could not even retrieve my Company Registration Number and simply returned the value null.
Teething problems. It happens to the best of us. I hope the Department of Labour isn’t discouraged because bugs or not this is a step in the right direction!
Edit (19th October 2015): We now have a more complete list of countries which includes Brunei!
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